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Buying Guides: Lens Filters
Buying Guides: Lens Filters
Camera lenses can serve a myriad of purposes in digital photography – and although these can be applied in post-production (mainly thanks to Instagram and Snapchat!), it is nothing in comparison to getting the perfect shot in production. Lenses are most commonly used for enhancing colours and reducing reflections or simply just to protect lenses, but speciality lenses have become increasingly popular to get the most creative of imagery. Our short guide below will take you through which filters are best for your needs.
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Buying Guides: Tripods
Buying Guides: Tripods
Tripods are an essential tool for any photographer or videographer. They’re not just handy for when lighting gets a little low and you need to use a slower shutter speed. Having a tripod allows you to experiment with long exposure photography, with shutter speeds longer than around 1/60th of a second. Having a sturdy and well-balanced tripod will enable you to get a crisp clean shot with little to no blur. If you’re shooting landscape photography, a tripod will also be your best friend. As you'll more than likely be using an aperture of at least f/8 and up to f/16 to ensure you get a wide depth of field and get everything in focus, using a tripod will help minimise any blur. Filming isn’t to be forgotten here either; if you're shooting something static, like an interview, your video will look so much better when shot using a tripod. Stabilising your camera will instantly make your work look more professional (unless of course you’re going for that documentary feel!). And the list of reasons goes on!
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